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JCSE, vol. 7, no. 2, pp.139-146, 2013


Brain-Computer Interface in Stroke Rehabilitation

Kai Keng Ang, Cuntai Guan
Institute for Infocomm and Research, Agency of Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore

Abstract: Recent advances in computer science enabled people with severe motor disabilities to use brain-computer interfaces (BCI) for communication, control, and even to restore their motor disabilities. This paper reviews the most recent works of BCI in stroke rehabilitation with a focus on methodology that reported on data collected from stroke patients and clinical studies that reported on the motor improvements of stroke patients. Both types of studies are important as the former advances the technology of BCI for stroke, and the latter demonstrates the clinical efficacy of BCI in stroke. Finally some challenges are discussed.

Keyword: Stroke; Rehabilitation; Brain-Computer Interface; Motor Imagery, Electroencephalography

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