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Editorial Board
Seungjin Choi
Intellicode, Korea
Sam H. Noh
Virginia Tech, USA

Associate Editors
Jeongseob Ahn
Ajou University, Korea
Kyungmin Bae
Yoonsuck Choe
Texas A&M, USA
Hyun-Ho Choi
Hankyong National University, Korea
Jaesik Choi
KAIST, Korea
Jaegul Choo
KAIST, Korea
Seonyeong Heo
Kyung Hee University, Korea
Junbeom Hur
Korea University, Korea
Jihie Kim
Dongguk University, Korea
Kangsoo Kim
University of Calgary, Canada
Mijung Kim
UNIST, Korea
Seon Ho Kim
University of Southern California, USA
Si Jung Kim
University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA
Sun Kim
Seoul National University, Korea
Jae-Gil Lee
KAIST, Korea
Jaehwan Lee
Korea Aerospace University, Korea
SangKeun Lee
Korea University, Korea
Seongjin Lee
Gyeongsang National University, Korea
Young Seo Lee
Soongsil University, Korea
KyungTae Lim
Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea
Sangoh Park
Chung-Ang University, Korea
HyunJung Shin
Ajou University, Korea
Giltae Song
Pusan National University, Korea
Masashi Sugiyama
University of Tokyo & RIKEN AIP, Japan
Hwanjo Yu
Publication Board
Sue Bok Moon(Chair)
KAIST, Korea
Seungjin Choi
Intellicode, Korea
Sam H. Noh
Virginia Tech, USA
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