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JCSE, vol. 7, no. 4, pp.220-230, 2013


A Review of Window Query Processing for Data Streams

Hyeon Gyu Kim, Myoung Ho Kim
Division of Computer, Sahmyook University, Seoul, Korea/ Department of Computer Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea

Abstract: In recent years, progress in hardware technology has resulted in the possibility of monitoring many events in real time. The volume of incoming data may be so large, that monitoring all individual data might be intractable. Revisiting any particular record can also be impossible in this environment. Therefore, many database schemes, such as aggregation, join, frequent pattern mining, and indexing, become more challenging in this context. This paper surveys the previous efforts to resolve these issues in processing data streams. The emphasis is on specifying and processing sliding window queries, which are supported in many stream processing engines. We also review the related work on stream query processing, including synopsis structures, plan sharing, operator scheduling, load shedding, and disorder control.

Keyword: Data streams; Continuous queries; Sliding windows; Window query processing; Load shedding

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