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JCSE, vol. 8, no. 4, pp.181-186, 2014


A New Approach to Web Data Mining Based on Cloud Computing

Wenzheng Zhu and Changhoon Lee
School of Computer Science, Konkuk University, Seoul, Korea

Abstract: Web data mining aims at discovering useful knowledge from various Web resources. There is a growing trend among companies, organizations, and individuals alike of gathering information through Web data mining to utilize that information in their best interest. In science, cloud computing is a synonym for distributed computing over a network; cloud computing relies on the sharing of resources to achieve coherence and economies of scale, similar to a utility over a network, and means the ability to run a program or application on many connected computers at the same time. In this paper, we propose a new system framework based on the Hadoop platform to realize the collection of useful information of Web resources. The system framework is based on the Map/Reduce programming model of cloud computing. We propose a new data mining algorithm to be used in this system framework. Finally, we prove the feasibility of this approach by simulation experiment.

Keyword: Web data mining; Cloud computing; Hadoop; Map/Reduce programming model

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