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JCSE, vol. 8, no. 4, pp.207-214, 2014


An Efficient Pedestrian Detection Approach Using a Novel Split Function of Hough Forests

Trung Dung Do, Thi Ly Vu, Van Huan Nguyen, Hakil Kim, and Chongho Lee
School of Information and Communication Engineering, Inha University, Incheon, Korea

Abstract: In pedestrian detection applications, one of the most popular frameworks that has received extensive attention in recent years is widely known as a ‘Hough forest’ (HF). To improve the accuracy of detection, this paper proposes a novel split function to exploit the statistical information of the training set stored in each node during the construction of the forest. The proposed split function makes the trees in the forest more robust to noise and illumination changes. Moreover, the errors of each stage in the training forest are minimized using a global loss function to support trees to track harder training samples. After having the forest trained, the standard HF detector follows up to search for and localize instances in the image. Experimental results showed that the detection performance of the proposed framework was improved significantly with respect to the standard H

Keyword: Pedestrian detection; Object detection; Random forests; Hough forests; Boosting algorithm; Alternating decision forest

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