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JCSE, vol. 11, no. 1, pp.24-31, 2017


A Comparative Study of Local Features in Face-based Video Retrieval

Juan Zhou and Lan Huang
Department of Computer Science, Yangtze University, Jingzhou, China

Abstract: Face-based video retrieval has become an active and important branch of intelligent video analysis. Face profiling and matching is a fundamental step and is crucial to the effectiveness of video retrieval. Although many algorithms have been developed for processing static face images, their effectiveness in face-based video retrieval is still unknown, simply because videos have different resolutions, faces vary in scale, and different lighting conditions and angles are used. In this paper, we combined content-based and semantic-based image analysis techniques, and systematically evaluated four mainstream local features to represent face images in the video retrieval task: Harris operators, SIFT and SURF descriptors, and eigenfaces. Results of ten independent runs of 10-fold cross-validation on datasets consisting of TED (Technology Entertainment Design) talk videos showed the effectiveness of our approach, where the SIFT descriptors achieved an average F-score of 0.725 in video retrieval and thus were the most effective, while the SURF descriptors were computed in 0.3 seconds per image on average and were the most efficient in most cases.

Keyword: Video retrieval; Face matching; Harris operators; SIFT; SURF; Eigenfaces

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