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JCSE, vol. 11, no. 2, pp.49-57, 2017


IPv6 Networking with Subnet ID Deprecated

Young Hee Kim, Dae Young Kim, and Jong Won Park
Dept. of Global ICT Cooperation, National Information Society Agency, Daegu, Korea Independent, Gangwon, Korea Dept. of InfoCom Engineering, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea

Abstract: This paper proposes a new IPv6 networking paradigm as a counter answer to the rationale for locator/identifier separation. Instead of involving separate number spaces each for node identifiers and locators, the context of the IP address as a node identifier alone is utilized and no additional locators are incorporated. That is, there are only node addresses and no locators, and location information is indirectly derived from neighbor relations between nodes. In order to accomplish this, no subnet IDs are utilized; the ID value is set to zero for all subnets. The paper details how to construct this paradigm through novel choice of operational policies in various IPv6 protocols and some trivial modifications. Especially, inherent provision of intra-domain node- as well as subnet-mobility by use of standard link-state intra-domain routing protocols is discussed. A number of important advantages of this paradigm over the canonical IPv6 networking and various known solutions of locator/identifier separation are discussed. Tailoring for multi-area domains and IPv4 is left for further study.

Keyword: Future Internet; No subnet IDs; No locator/identifier separation

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