JCSE, vol. 13, no. 4, pp.151-162, 2019
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5626/JCSE.2019.13.4.151
Algorithms for Constructing Hesitant Neutrosophic Concept Lattices and Computing their Similarity Distances in Medical Decision-Making
Kai Wang and Yue Cao
School of Health Management, Bengbu Medical College, Bengbu, Anhui, China
Abstract: In medical decision-making, pros and cons of balancing treatment options are often required. However, clinical experts
may well put forward their opinions on the basis of huge uncertain or incomplete information. To encounter this issue,
the notion of hesitant neutrosophic concept lattice (HNCL) has been utilized to express the decision information based on
hesitant neutrosophic sets (HNS) and formal concept analysis (FCA). Here, we present another improved hybrid model
to measure the similarity distance among hesitant neutrosophic concepts (HNCon). An actual example was used to
demonstrate the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed method.
Hesitant neutrosophic sets; Formal concept analysis; Similarity distances; Medical decision-making
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