JCSE, vol. 3, no. 2, pp.127-141, 2009
Toward Generic, Immersive, and Collaborative Solutions to the Data Interoperability Problem which Target End-Users
Arturo Sanchez-Ruiz, Karthikeyan Umapathy Pat Hayes
School of Computing, University of North Florida, USA|Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, USA
Abstract: In this paper, we describe our vision of a “just-in-time” initiative to solve the Data InteroperabilityProblem (a.k.a. INTEROP.) We provide an architectural overview of our initiative which drawsupon existing technologies to develop an immersive and collaborative approach which aims atempowering data stakeholders (e.g., data producers and data consumers) with integrated toolsto interact and collaborate with each other while directly manipulating visual representationsof their data in an immersive environment (e.g., implemented via Second Life.) The semanticsof these visual representations and the operations associated with the data are supported byontologies defined using the Common Logic Framework (CL). Data operations gestured by thestakeholders, through their avatars, are translated to a variety of generated resources such asmulti-language source code, visualizations, web pages, and web services. The generality of theapproach is supported by a plug-in architecture which allows expert users to customize taskssuch as data admission, data manipulation in the immersive world, and automatic generationof resources. This approach is designed with a mindset aimed at enabling stakeholders
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