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JCSE, vol. 3, no. 3, pp.143-164, 2009


Language Modeling Approaches to Information Retrieval

Protima Banerjee, Hyoil Han
College of Information Science & Technology, Drexel University, USA

Abstract: This article surveys recent research in the area of language modeling (sometimes called statisticallanguage modeling) approaches to information retrieval. Language modeling is a formal probabilisticretrieval framework with roots in speech recognition and natural language processing. Theunderlying assumption of language modeling is that human language generation is a randomprocess; the goal is to model that process via a generative statistical model. In this article, wediscuss current research in the application of language modeling to information retrieval, therole of semantics in the language modeling framework, cluster-based language models, use oflanguage modeling for XML retrieval and future trends.

Keyword: No keyword

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