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JCSE, vol. 4, no. 4, pp.291-312, 2010


Mutational Data Loading Routines for Human Genome Databases: the BRCA1 Case

Matthijs van der Kroon, Ignacio Lereu Ramirez, Ana M. Levin, Oscar Pastor, Sjaak Brinkkemper
Centro de Investigacion en Metodos de Produccion de Software (PROS), Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain Department of Information and Computing Sciences Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Abstract: The last decades a large amount of research has been done in the genomics domain which has and is generating terabytes, if not exabytes, of information stored globally in a very fragmented way. Different databases use different ways of storing the same data, resulting in undesired redundancy and restrained information transfer. Adding to this, keeping the existing databases consistent and data integrity maintained is mainly left to human intervention which in turn is very costly, both in time and money as well as error prone. Identifying a fixed conceptual dictionary in the form of a conceptual model thus seems crucial. This paper presents an effort to integrate the mutational data from the established genomic data source HGMD into a conceptual model driven database HGDB, thereby providing useful lessons to improve the already existing conceptual model of the human genome.

Keyword: conceptual modeling, BRCA1, data integration, human genome

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