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JCSE, vol. 6, no. 1, pp.1-11, March, 2012


Fast and Accurate Rigid Registration of 3D CT Images by Combining Feature and Intensity

Naw Chit Too June, Xuenan Cui, Shengzhe Li, Hakil Kim, Kyu-Sung Kwack
School of Information and Communication Engineering, Inha University, Incheon, Korea/ Department of Radiology, Ajou University School of Medicine, Suwon, Korea

Abstract: Computed tomography (CT) images are widely used for the analysis of the temporal evaluation or monitoring of the progression of a disease. The follow-up examinations of CT scan images of the same patient require a 3D registration technique. In this paper, an automatic and robust registration is proposed for the rigid registration of 3D CT images. The proposed method involves two steps. Firstly, the two CT volumes are aligned based on their principal axes, and then, the alignment from the previous step is refined by the optimization of the similarity score of the image???voxel. Normalized cross correlation (NCC) is used as a similarity metric and a downhill simplex method is employed to find out the optimal score. The performance of the algorithm is evaluated on phantom images and knee synthetic CT images. By the extraction of the initial transformation parameters with principal axis of the binary volumes, the searching space to find out the parameters is reduced in the optimization step. Thus, the overall registration time is algorithmically decreased without the deterioration of the accuracy. The preliminary experimental results of the study demonstrate that the proposed method can be applied to rigid registration

Keyword: Image registration; Computed tomography; Principal axes; Normalized cross correlation

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