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JCSE, vol. 8, no. 1, pp.25-33, March, 2014


Comparing Separate and Statically-Partitioned Caches for Time-Predictable Multicore Processors

Lan Wu, Yiqiang Ding, and Wei Zhang
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA

Abstract: In this paper, we quantitatively compare two different time-predictable multicore cache architectures, separate and statically- partitioned caches, through extensive simulation. Current research trends primarily focus on partitioned-cache architectures in order to achieve time predictability for hard real-time multicore based systems, and our experiments reveal that separate caches actually lead to much better performance and energy efficiency when compared to statically-partitioned caches, and both of them are adequate for timing analysis for real-time multicore applications.

Keyword: Performance; Reliability; Hard real-time systems; Multicore processors; Cache architectures; WCET

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