JCSE, vol. 18, no. 4, pp.196-202, December, 2024
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5626/JCSE.2024.18.4.196
RTL Design Technique Using Libraries for GDI MOS and CMOS Mixed Mode Synthesis
Seungmin Jung Division of Software Convergence, Hanshin University, Osan, Korea
Abstract: We propose a novel register transfer level (RTL) design technique that applies both gate diffusion input (GDI) and CMOS process design kit (PDK). We create the GDI-CMOS PDK by merging the GDI synthesis library, which is made by extracting the characteristics of GDI cells, with the CMOS library. We synthesize a 16-bit RISC MCU sample circuit by applying the new RTL design technique, and compare and analyze a performance index, PPA. The proposed design technique can be applied as a new design flow by reducing the disadvantages of GDI and maximizing the advantages of area and power, thereby overcoming the disadvantages of CMOS circuits.
GDI (gate diffusion input); PDK (process design kit); RTL (register transfer level) design; Synopsys DC (design compiler) library; Logic synthesis; PPA (power, performance, area)
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