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JCSE, vol. 3, no. 4, pp.238-259, December, 2009


The Situation Lens: A Metaphor for Personal Task Management on Mobile Devices

Augusto Celentano, Stefano Faralli, Fabio Pittarello
Universit횪 Ca‘ Foscari Venezia, Dipartimento di Informatica, Italy

Abstract: In this paper we discuss personal data management with mobile devices, an activity requiringthe composition of services offered by standard suites of applications. We propose a data modeland an interface model that allows users to define activities, tasks and services, to navigateamong them according to the evolution of the personal situation as perceived and interpretedby the users themselves. The interface model acts as a lens exploring the situation, zooming intothe details, covering different areas of the personal data, supporting the user in the role of acomposer of personal services.

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