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JCSE, vol. 2, no. 4, pp.339-339, December, 2008


Preface for the Special Issue on Real-Time Distributed Computing and Ubiquitous Computing in Memory of Professor Moon Hae Kim

Sang Hyuk Son, C. V. Ramamoorthy, and Jung-Guk Kim
University of Virginia, USA|Professor Emeritus, University of California, Berkley, USA|Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea

Abstract: Distributed real-time computing is becoming increasingly important in a broad range of real-life applications such as process control, factory automation, avionics, automotive systems, and ubiquitous computing. As the demand for advanced functionalities and robustness of distributed real-time applications continue to grow, our intellectual and engineering abilities are being challenged to develop practical solutions to the design and development of such complex applications. It is hard to achieve high dependability and timeliness guarantees in distributed real-time systems because they require the development and integration of a number of challenging research elements from real-time computing, distributed computing, fault tolerance, software engineering, and embedded systems. This special issue consists of papers describing significant research contributions to these aspects of distributed real-time systems as well as applications such as ubiquitous computing.

This special issue is dedicated in memory of Professor Moon-Hae Kim. Professor Kim is widely known for his many fundamental research contributions in distributed real-time systems and ubiquitous computing. Furthermore, he is celebrated for his unselfish dedication in promoting R&D communities of real-time and embedded systems. His legacy also includes the mentoring and education of numerous students, researchers and developers in software engineering, distributed real-time systems, ubiquitous computing, and embedded systems. Professor Kim received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from University of California, Berkeley. He had been a professor at Konkuk University in Korea for 16 years when he passed away unexpectedly on September 30, 2006.

For this issue, 8 papers were submitted in response to the public call for papers. The editorial committee and reviewers of this special issue selected 3 papers among them, as well as two additional invited papers. The following 5 papers were accepted after a rigorous review process:

- On the Design of a Distributed Time-Triggered Embedded Systems Hermann Kopetz (Invited)
- Experimental Evaluation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System Software Based on the TMO model
Hansol Park, Doo-Hyun Kim, Jung-Guk Kim, and Chun-Hyon Chang (Invited)
- Practical and Verifiable C++ Dynamic Cast for Hard Real-Time Systems
Damian Dechev, Rabi Mahapatra and Bjarne Stroustrup
- New Control System Aspects for Supporting Complex Data and High Performance System
Dae-Seung Yoo, Vu Van Tan, and Myeong-Jae Yi
- IEEE 802.15.4 MAC-based Location-ID Exchange Protocol for Realizing Micro-Cell
Connectionless Location-Awareness Services
Baek-Gyu Kim and Soon-Ju Kang

The guest editors are grateful to the JCSE co-editors-in-chief, Insup Lee, Il-Yeol Song, and Jong C. Park, for their support and advice in the successful publication of this special issue to the JCSE.

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