JCSE, vol. 4, no. 4, pp.368-387, December, 2010
Registration of 3D CT Data to 2D Endoscopic Image using a Gradient Mutual Information based Viewpoint Matching for Image-Guided Medialization Laryngoplasty
Yeny Yim, Mike Wakid, Can Kirmizibayrak, Steven Bielamowicz, James Hahn Department of Computer Science, The George Washington University, Washington, USA
The George Washington University Medical Center, Washington, USA
Abstract: We propose a novel method for the registration of 3D CT scans to 2D endoscopic images during
the image-guided medialization laryngoplasty. This study aims to allow the surgeon to find the
precise configuration of the implant and place it into the desired location by employing accurate
registration methods of the 3D CT data to intra-operative patient and interactive visualization
tools for the registered images. In this study, the proposed registration methods enable the
surgeon to compare the outcome of the procedure to the pre-planned shape by matching the
vocal folds in the CT rendered images to the endoscopic images. The 3D image fusion provides
an interactive and intuitive guidance for surgeon by visualizing a combined and correlated
relationship of the multiple imaging modalities. The 3D Magic Lens helps to effectively visualize
laryngeal anatomical structures by applying different transparencies and transfer functions to
the region of interest. The preliminary results of the study demonstrated that the proposed
method can be readily extended for image-guided surgery of real patients.
Image Registration, Visualization, Image-guided surgery, Medialization laryngoplasty, Image Registration, Visualization, Vocal folds
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