JCSE, vol. 10, no. 4, pp.118-127, 2016
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5626/JCSE.2016.10.4.118
An Improved Sample Balanced Genetic Algorithm and Extreme Learning Machine for Accurate Alzheimer Disease Diagnosis
Vasily Sachnev and Sundaram Suresh
School of Information, Communication and Electronics Engineering, The Catholic University of Korea, Bucheon, Korea
School of Computer Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Abstract: An improved sample balanced genetic algorithm and Extreme Learning Machine (iSBGA-ELM) was designed for accurate
diagnosis of Alzheimer disease (AD) and identification of biomarkers associated with AD in this paper. The proposed
AD diagnosis approach uses a set of magnetic resonance imaging scans in Open Access Series of Imaging Studies
(OASIS) public database to build an efficient AD classifier. The approach contains two steps: "voxels selection" based
on an iSBGA and "AD classification" based on the ELM. In the first step, the proposed iSBGA searches for a robust subset
of voxels with promising properties for further AD diagnosis. The robust subset of voxels chosen by iSBGA is then
used to build an AD classifier based on the ELM. A robust subset of voxels keeps a high generalization performance of
AD classification in various scenarios and highlights the importance of the chosen voxels for AD research. The AD classifier
with maximum classification accuracy is created using an optimal subset of robust voxels. It represents the final
AD diagnosis approach. Experiments with the proposed iSBGA-ELM using OASIS data set showed an average testing
accuracy of 87%. Experiments clearly indicated the proposed iSBGA-ELM was efficient for AD diagnosis. It showed
improvements over existing techniques.
Alzheimer disease; OASIS; Improved samples balanced genetic algorithm; Extreme Learning Machine
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