JCSE, vol. 4, no. 4, pp.276-290, December, 2010
Evaluating Join Performance on Relational Database Systems
Carlos Ordonez, Javier Garcia-Garcia Department of Computer Science, University of Houston, Houston, USA
UNAM/IPN, Mexico, Mexico
Abstract: The join operator is fundamental in relational database systems. Evaluating join queries on
large tables is challenging because records need to be efficiently matched based on a given key.
In this work, we analyze join queries in SQL with large tables in which a foreign key may be
null, invalid or valid, given a referential integrity constraint. We conduct an extensive join
performance evaluation on three DBMSs. Specifically, we study join queries varying table sizes,
row size and key probabilistic distribution, inserting null, invalid or valid foreign key values. We
also benchmark three well-known query optimizations: view materialization, secondary index
and join reordering. Our experiments show certain optimizations perform well across DBMSs,
whereas other optimizations depend on the DBMS architecture.
query optimization; performance evaluation, Join Processing, Foreign Key, RDBMS
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